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Because someone has to do it.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013


The School Board will have their regular monthly meeting tonight beginning at 6:00 p.m. at Central Office.

Here are the highlights of what will be discussed:
Approval of the contracts with various employee groups
Approval of the district health insurance


At the beginning of the meeting, there are 30 total minutes reserved for public comments.  The comments can be about anything related to the schools - not just those specific things on the agenda.  Any school district citizen or employee may speak.  No one individual can speak more than 5 minutes.

Before the meeting, go up to the platform and ask to speak with the Board secretary, Annette Miller.
Let her know that you would like to speak to the Board.
You do not need to tell her why you wish to speak.
She should put your name on the list - to make sure that you are not forgotten.

Mrs. Miller may tell you that you needed 2 weeks notice prior to speaking to the Board.  That is not true.  That requirement is related to a request to place something on the agenda.  As a citizen, you have the right to request that something be placed on the Board's agenda - but that request must be received 2 weeks in advance of the meeting.  Then the superintendent and the board president determine whether or not to include in the agenda.  (Hah - like that would actually happen!)  You do NOT need to give 2 weeks notice to speak during the public comment period at the beginning of the meeting.

Mrs. Miller may also try to get you to meet privately with the superintendent.  That may or may not be a good thing.  Your decision.  However, it is your RIGHT to address the school board.  If you want to do so without making an appointment with the superintendent, then you may do so.


  1. I hope there are community members who have the courage to speak up. As an employee, I am ashamed to say I do not. I am afraid of my name being written down on a list, and LGS to be quite honest. I have generally had a very high opinion of Dr. Hinson, and have never had a problem with Dr. Herl, but my faith in the system dropped as I got to know LGS, conversations she has had with my friends, her background, and how our organization could let such an evil, vindictive person work in our great community. She will have her "top three year" - and you are very welcome for the nice retirement boost due to our district pay - time to get the "heck" out of here. Good riddance

  2. Total BS, I called one day and asked to speak at a meeting, not to be put on agenda. I was told by miller that I had to give two weeks notice and be approved. She then took my name and number and told me that I should speak with a super instead of speaking at a meeting. I told her I had already done that, she told me well they will handle any issue not the board. Needless to say the issue never was resolved, and I guess I should have just went and stood up and told the board what she told me

    1. Not too late. They need to know this type of filtration is going on. Total BS.

  3. First hand account of interaction with LGS. Asked her "Who made this decision?". Replied "NOBODY"! Wonder what "Nobody" is being paid!

  4. This morning my spouse who teaches in another district spoke with an old coworker and friend who is the spouse of a new ISD building administrator and was told that they are not moving into the district.

    (I am being intentionally vague to protect myself and the new administrator.)

    Apparently this new administrator was left with the impression that the residency requirement will not be enforced because of all the turnover this year.

    This begs the question: Is CO intentionally undermining board policy or are they just desperate to fill all the openings? If they are not going to enforce the residency requirement then why didn't CO make this clear sooner so my principal feel that they had to leave the district?

  5. How do I get a post on here, I have a lot of things to say about the bullying that went on in some of the schools, so extreme that at one time parents contacted the police. I would like to post about that, the supers didn't think it was a problem, was denied access to the board, I would like to know what everyone else thinks about it

    1. You can send your story to watchingisd@gmail.com

      In one school, admins only accept that bullying happens if it is witnessed by a teacher. (As if teachers are always in the bathrooms, etc.) In another school, teachers were told not to refer to anything as "bullying" in emails - just in case there is a lawsuit and lawyers get access to the emails.

      Then there are the numerous elementary classrooms where you hear being evacuated because of some uncontrolled behavior from one student.

  6. Evacuated, yep u got that right, want to know times n dates lol

    1. Yes - evacuated. Teachers throughout the district have reported that classrooms are cleared or evacuated because one child cannot be controlled. The rest of the students are removed from the classrooms and then trained teachers or staff come in and have to restrain the out-of-control student. It is not funny. It is lost instructional time, it is traumatizing to everyone involved. This happens at every building - including Blackburn.

  7. I find it quite amusing that you hide behind a cloak of anonymity yet encourage your brethren to stand before the Board of Education. Why don’t you “man up” and do it yourself?

    1. Be amused. It changes nothing.

    2. Why aren't you concerned about what is best for the children, I'm not here to cause a problem, or bash anyone. I'm concerned about all that is going on. I pay tax dollars to this district and my children attend school within district. All these unjust things affect our children, all the staff, and the community. It is not what is best for the children. I moved to this district for our great school system. We have excellent teachers, and I am fortunate enough to say we have an outstanding principal whom is staying. I think more people need to be aware about what's going on, its just not right

    3. No doubt - be amused - you have obviously never had an issue with this school district and expressed it to this school district central office. Or maybe when you did, you took their word for it that they would "look into it...and thank you for your concern." This is an extremely vindictive central office who do not treat people the way they should be treated, and the best way to get a target on your back is to speak up publicly.

  8. And as for being anonymous I hold an unpaid position within district, I don't want to lose it, at that time I did not, and I know I would lose it
