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Because someone has to do it.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Arranging the deck chairs - Elementary edition

The failure to “grandfather” or exempt the existing administrators has not decimated the ranks of elementary school principals in the same way as it has the secondary level staff.  However, we do not know how many looked for other jobs but decided to remain – for now – with the District. 

Nevertheless, the turnover still is unprecedented.  There will be 8 principals either new to their building or new to the District.  8 out of 19, or 37%.  Only 2 were expected retirements – Marlowe at Proctor and Mallums at Luff.

Leslie Hochsprung - STAYING

Laura LaCroix - GONE to Liberty
Sara Terril (Teacher – ISD) will be her replacement.


Jeff Anger - STAYING

Todd Siebert - STAYING

Ron Albertus - STAYING

Little Blue
Jeffrey Williams - STAYING (first year as principal)

Antoinette Mallums - RETIRING
Melissa Carver from Lone Jack will be her replacement.

Susan Barnes – NEW (Principal from Seneca, MO)

Mill Creek
Kathy Butler - GONE to Lone Jack
Anthony King (Asst. Principal at Korte) will be her replacement.

Ronnee Laughlin - STAYING

Debbie Marlowe - RETIRING
Amy Hawley (Teacher – ISD) will be her replacement.

Christy Compton - STAYING (first year as principal)

Santa Fe
Janet Gibbs - STAYING

Kathy Ambrose - ???(first year as principal)
(We've heard that she'll be leaving from several sources - but haven't been able to confirm anything.  Post in the comments if you have any information - and we'll correct.)
Replacement unknown.

Spring Branch
Janet Richards - TRANSFERRED to Bridger
Aaron Kirkhoff (Principal at Sugar Creek) will be her replacement.

Sugar Creek
Aaron Kirkhoff - TRANSFERRED to Spring Branch (first year as principal)
Shellie Dumas (Teacher-ISD) will be his replacement.

Sycamore Hills
Anne Pye - STAYING

Three Trails
Robert Streich - STAYING

1 comment:

  1. One can only hope that Kathy Ambrose is leaving Southern! She is HORRIBLE administrator to say the least and oh so very stupid. However, it's my hope that she doesn't turn around and make some other hard-working teachers' lives hell in the process. She just needs to work at Wal-Mart.
    I'd like to hear an update on her status as soon as you have one!
