At this point, while the public waits for the release of the Annual Performance Report, everyone is busy behind the scenes. Friday will be a busy day for any PR person.
Reporters have the data. They are getting quotes and talking points from district administrators. They are creating their graphs and charts. They are figuring out how MSIP 5 is different from MSIP 4. On Friday morning, there will be an article in the KC Star and probably the Examiner which compares the area APR results. Most of the focus will be on Kansas City and whether or not it will be granted provisional accreditation.
The Examiner has an opportunity to do more than parrot talking points. After Friday, they could really dig into the numbers and figure out what is going on - to some extent - in the district. Fortunately, Missouri has a rich and public data portal. Most of the information is there. Anything else could be obtained by a Freedom of Information request.
A question that will go unasked - at least in the Examiner - is: how big of a sack of "poo" did Dr. Hinson leave on the doorstep of the new administration? For any who knows how that game works, you throw the flaming sack away - you don't stomp on it. So far this year - there has been a lot of stomping on teachers, students and parents. Hopefully, someone (on the Board perhaps?) will figure out that it is time to intervene before permanent damage is done.
Tick tock. Tick tock. Tick tock.
Tag Line
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
Sunday, August 18, 2013
MSIP 5 Data Release
Here are the administrative memos from DESE which provide the timeline regarding the release of the MSIP 5 data and the District's final Annual Performance Report.
The District will know its final APR on Monday.
The press will receive the data on Tuesday.
DESE will hold a press conference on Thursday.
And the data may be published beginning on Friday, August 23rd.
The District will know its final APR on Monday.
The press will receive the data on Tuesday.
DESE will hold a press conference on Thursday.
And the data may be published beginning on Friday, August 23rd.
Dr. Streich named Chief Academic Officer for SMSD
Dr. Ed Streich was recently named the Chief Academic Officer for Shawnee Mission School District. He will be a member of Dr. Hinson's "cabinet".
Here is the organizational chart for SMSD. (Got to love SMSD - they put a lot of information out on the web for their patrons.)
Surprise! Another new elementary school needed.
Well, actually, to anyone who has stepped into overcrowded Korte Elementary, the situation is obvious: a new elementary school is needed in Western Independence. Parents, teachers, paras, custodians and bus drivers have not needed demographers to tell them that a new school would be needed despite the opening of Matt Abraham Mallinson Elementary.
Of course, Little Blue was built with EXCESS capacity in anticipation of continued building of homes in eastern Independence.Matt Abraham Mallinson Elementary was anticipated to be at capacity when it opened. At some point, the parents in Western Independence will begin making their concerns heard more publicly.
There was such a "difficult" time finding appropriate property on which to build Mallinson - we are sure that the next search will be as laborious. Oh wait. Isn't there a former Independence administrator who bought the old Rockwood Golf Course for $500,000? Yeah - Ron Bruh and other undisclosed investors.
When - and seriously there will be no "if" - the District decides to buy Rockwood, we hope that there will be a full and OPEN disclosure of all investors and parties of interest in the property.
Some random thoughts:
How long will Sugar Creek Elementary remain open? After the residents get to knowMatt Abraham Mallinson Elementary, the pain of closing Sugar Creek will be less profound and intense. Hopefully not - but there are several residents of that community who see this coming.
Isn't it interesting that the new elementary school is referred to as "Mallinson Elementary" rather than "Abraham Mallinson Elementary"? Why not "Southern" instead of "William Southern"? Why not "Chrisman" instead of "William Chrisman"? Yes - there is inconsistency in the District about the naming of schools - but in this case it just seems a little more .... unseemly. Wouldn't someone want to emphasize that the school is really named after Abraham specifically and not the Mallinson family in general?
Of course, Little Blue was built with EXCESS capacity in anticipation of continued building of homes in eastern Independence.
There was such a "difficult" time finding appropriate property on which to build Mallinson - we are sure that the next search will be as laborious. Oh wait. Isn't there a former Independence administrator who bought the old Rockwood Golf Course for $500,000? Yeah - Ron Bruh and other undisclosed investors.
When - and seriously there will be no "if" - the District decides to buy Rockwood, we hope that there will be a full and OPEN disclosure of all investors and parties of interest in the property.
Some random thoughts:
How long will Sugar Creek Elementary remain open? After the residents get to know
Isn't it interesting that the new elementary school is referred to as "Mallinson Elementary" rather than "Abraham Mallinson Elementary"? Why not "Southern" instead of "William Southern"? Why not "Chrisman" instead of "William Chrisman"? Yes - there is inconsistency in the District about the naming of schools - but in this case it just seems a little more .... unseemly. Wouldn't someone want to emphasize that the school is really named after Abraham specifically and not the Mallinson family in general?
Sunday, August 11, 2013
Attendance: The New Scarlet Letter
In addition to a new interest in student attendance, each building must post the daily attendance rate of its certificated staff in the front foyer of the building.
Undoubtedly, students learn better when they are taught by their normal teacher - the one that they have developed a good relationship with and knows all the rules and procedures of the classroom. The content will be more enriching when taught by a content-area expert rather than a substitute teacher - no matter how wonderful that particular substitute may be.
There are a variety of reasons why a teacher may be absent from school on any particular day:
1 - Pulled out for grading or calibrating district assessments.
2 - Pulled out for data talks and examination.
3 - Gone to attend district-approved professional development, sporting events, etc.
4 - Pulled out for collaboration or professional development.
5 - Personal and private reasons related to family or personal health.
6 - Long term sickness or pregnancy.
7 - Medical appointments.
8 - All the reasons listed in Board policy.
Principals will probably receive a report with their schools "ranking" and there will be great pressure to keep your teacher absences as low as possible. This will probably lead to more "questions" being asked about a teacher's leave -making a staff member feel as if they need to reveal personal or private information to justify their absence. Buildings with young teachers that take maternity leave will have their number skewed. Teachers who have chronic illnesses or family members who need extended care may also feel guilty for bringing down the number.
Remember last year at Convocation when Hinson nearly teared up asking us to take care of ourselves and our families first?
Clearly, the District has an interest in making sure that employees are not abusing the sick and personal leave policy. A healthy HR process would seek out information and attempt to understand why so many employees are using their leave. Is it burnout? Is it too much district-sponsored leave? Is it something else entirely? Does it depend on the building? Are there buildings where the absence rate for teachers may indicate a problem with the school climate and leadership?
Whatever the reason, posting the attendance rate - in an apparent attempt to shame the teachers - is not an effective approach. When employees are treated like adults - they will respond like adults. When employees are treated like children, they will respond like children.
Undoubtedly, students learn better when they are taught by their normal teacher - the one that they have developed a good relationship with and knows all the rules and procedures of the classroom. The content will be more enriching when taught by a content-area expert rather than a substitute teacher - no matter how wonderful that particular substitute may be.
There are a variety of reasons why a teacher may be absent from school on any particular day:
1 - Pulled out for grading or calibrating district assessments.
2 - Pulled out for data talks and examination.
3 - Gone to attend district-approved professional development, sporting events, etc.
4 - Pulled out for collaboration or professional development.
5 - Personal and private reasons related to family or personal health.
6 - Long term sickness or pregnancy.
7 - Medical appointments.
8 - All the reasons listed in Board policy.
Principals will probably receive a report with their schools "ranking" and there will be great pressure to keep your teacher absences as low as possible. This will probably lead to more "questions" being asked about a teacher's leave -making a staff member feel as if they need to reveal personal or private information to justify their absence. Buildings with young teachers that take maternity leave will have their number skewed. Teachers who have chronic illnesses or family members who need extended care may also feel guilty for bringing down the number.
Remember last year at Convocation when Hinson nearly teared up asking us to take care of ourselves and our families first?
Clearly, the District has an interest in making sure that employees are not abusing the sick and personal leave policy. A healthy HR process would seek out information and attempt to understand why so many employees are using their leave. Is it burnout? Is it too much district-sponsored leave? Is it something else entirely? Does it depend on the building? Are there buildings where the absence rate for teachers may indicate a problem with the school climate and leadership?
Whatever the reason, posting the attendance rate - in an apparent attempt to shame the teachers - is not an effective approach. When employees are treated like adults - they will respond like adults. When employees are treated like children, they will respond like children.
All the district coaches will be meeting tonight. Last year's meeting was so inspiring (not), that it will be hard to beat this year.
Win or else will no doubt be the short version.
Friday, August 9, 2013
Beuller? Beuller? Student attendance is a BIG deal.
School attendance is important. No one will argue about that. If you are not in school, you are not learning the material. And certainly, rates of attendance have been part of the Missouri accountability system for schools for many years. A district like ISD gets the lion's share of its $$ from two sources: local property taxes (based on assessed valuation) and student attendance (based on average daily attendance).
ISD's attendance numbers have historically been high - mid/low 90%s. Probably about as good as a school is going to get. However, if you watched one of Coach Herl's recent videos (and we are too lazy to link), he mentioned that the way average daily attendance is calculated has changed. District leaders already have the MSIP 5 numbers - and apparently - based on the hubbub about student attendance - the numbers must be less than hoped for.
In the past, each school was evaluated on its average daily attendance for the school-as-a-whole. There were certain loopholes that we've heard were used extensively in ISD. Tutoring hours after school could count toward the average daily attendance. Summer school attendance could count as well. There was a formula to weight these values.
Now, under MSIP 5, more than 90% of all students must attend every class at least 90% of the time.
This is probably the genesis of the new rule at THS that 10-25% of a student's grade must be based on attendance.
ISD's attendance numbers have historically been high - mid/low 90%s. Probably about as good as a school is going to get. However, if you watched one of Coach Herl's recent videos (and we are too lazy to link), he mentioned that the way average daily attendance is calculated has changed. District leaders already have the MSIP 5 numbers - and apparently - based on the hubbub about student attendance - the numbers must be less than hoped for.
In the past, each school was evaluated on its average daily attendance for the school-as-a-whole. There were certain loopholes that we've heard were used extensively in ISD. Tutoring hours after school could count toward the average daily attendance. Summer school attendance could count as well. There was a formula to weight these values.
Now, under MSIP 5, more than 90% of all students must attend every class at least 90% of the time.
This is probably the genesis of the new rule at THS that 10-25% of a student's grade must be based on attendance.
MSIP 5 results have been received by the district and will be released to the public at the end of the month. DESE has a schedule about the release of the data. (We'll find that and post later.)
Thursday, August 8, 2013
Hinson: He's gone but not forgotten
We have figured out why Hinson left the District. He was only getting "face time" with one or two newspapers (Examiner and Star). The Golden Ghetto has so many more opportunities for "face time" on the internet.
Here is Hinson:
Starting his new job::
Asking for "input" from stakeholders:
Can anyone make a decision without a survey anymore?
Meeting new teachers (in the pictures):
Let's guess: He tells them to take care of themselves and their loved ones, stay healthy, and ignore those pesky test scores (which aren't worth the paper they are written on).
Anticipating his first State of the District address:
By the time the address occurs, we are sure that he will have to tell his audience to ignore anything that they are hearing about his former district. He had NOTHING to do with all of it.
Sitting in his new office:
We wonder how many locked doors and elevator keys are between him and the public as it was in ISD.
On the SMSD Facebook page:
Here is Hinson:
Starting his new job::
Asking for "input" from stakeholders:
Can anyone make a decision without a survey anymore?
Meeting new teachers (in the pictures):
Let's guess: He tells them to take care of themselves and their loved ones, stay healthy, and ignore those pesky test scores (which aren't worth the paper they are written on).
Anticipating his first State of the District address:
By the time the address occurs, we are sure that he will have to tell his audience to ignore anything that they are hearing about his former district. He had NOTHING to do with all of it.
Sitting in his new office:
We wonder how many locked doors and elevator keys are between him and the public as it was in ISD.
On the SMSD Facebook page:
Wednesday, August 7, 2013
UPDATE: Toto, I don't think we're in Kansas anymore.
Well, maybe the problem is that the whirlwind has transported us to Kansas or Nebraska or Chillicothe.
Day 1 brought many, many changes to various buildings. Dress codes, teacher attendance, test scores, bathroom breaks, evaluations. More top-down directives and expectations.
***UPDATE*** Sorry for the confusion about the "bathroom breaks". We were just giving various examples from various buildings. No CO directive about staff bathroom breaks --- yet. As one comment alludes, yes, this does come from THS. Apparently, students who go to the bathroom during class must spend 10 minutes with that teacher after school.
Who knew that Truman students were abusing their bathroom procedures? Wow. Alert US News and World Report - I think that their needs to be an investigation into their rating system if they claimed that THS was such a great school. They obviously didn't know about the roaming bathroom gangs.
Unanswered questions - and really no one was going to put themselves on the line to ask:
10 minutes after school in exchange for a bathroom visit during class:
1 - regardless of transportation.
2 - despite the fact that the parents probably have not been contacted.
3 - what happens if a student asks more than once in a day. Consecutive or concurrent sentences?
4 - what if the teacher is a coach and not present after school?
5 - after the 10 minutes are up, presumably the student is free to go. But what if they don't have transportation? When do they call home? Do they wait at the front door? Who is accountable for this child after the 10 minutes - if something bad happens, someone will need to be blamed. (Just saying.)
And lets be frank - some people have bashful bladders or don't want to do their particular business with a audience nearby.
OF COURSE, there will be a whole lot of flimflam psychojam about the academic need to keep students in the classroom. However, our experience is that teachers really know when a student needs to go to the bathroom and when the student is just bored and wants out of class. If someone really needs to go, we doubt that they will be paying much attention to the lesson anyway.
It will be interesting how the parents and students respond.
***UPDATE*** Sorry for the confusion about the "bathroom breaks". We were just giving various examples from various buildings. No CO directive about staff bathroom breaks --- yet. As one comment alludes, yes, this does come from THS. Apparently, students who go to the bathroom during class must spend 10 minutes with that teacher after school.
Who knew that Truman students were abusing their bathroom procedures? Wow. Alert US News and World Report - I think that their needs to be an investigation into their rating system if they claimed that THS was such a great school. They obviously didn't know about the roaming bathroom gangs.
Unanswered questions - and really no one was going to put themselves on the line to ask:
10 minutes after school in exchange for a bathroom visit during class:
1 - regardless of transportation.
2 - despite the fact that the parents probably have not been contacted.
3 - what happens if a student asks more than once in a day. Consecutive or concurrent sentences?
4 - what if the teacher is a coach and not present after school?
5 - after the 10 minutes are up, presumably the student is free to go. But what if they don't have transportation? When do they call home? Do they wait at the front door? Who is accountable for this child after the 10 minutes - if something bad happens, someone will need to be blamed. (Just saying.)
And lets be frank - some people have bashful bladders or don't want to do their particular business with a audience nearby.
OF COURSE, there will be a whole lot of flimflam psychojam about the academic need to keep students in the classroom. However, our experience is that teachers really know when a student needs to go to the bathroom and when the student is just bored and wants out of class. If someone really needs to go, we doubt that they will be paying much attention to the lesson anyway.
It will be interesting how the parents and students respond.
The Applause Line
What if an Opening Convocation was held but no one clapped?
Not likely to happen but consider the purpose of applause. It is to show appreciation, support, or agreement.
Do you feel appreciated and treated like a professional? Do you support the decisions, climate, culture, or directions of the district? Do agree with what is being said?
Or are you just being polite?
Sunday, August 4, 2013
Reaping the whirlwind
In the Book of Hosea, the Prophet Hosea said about Israel, "For they have sown the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind." (Hosea 8:7, King James Version)
During the last school year, District decisions created a great deal of anxiety among teachers, staff and administrators. The anxiety was palpable to anyone who had ears to hear. We know that there has been a historic turnover of building-level administrators. The District will see another year of 10%+ turnover of teaching staff
District parents and supporters need to watch for the release of the Missouri MAP scores. Pay particular attention to the middle school scores. We expect to see a significant drop in achievement at the middle school level.
The School Board sent a chilling message to its administrators - and the teachers were listening closely. The residency policy and its across-the-board implementation to existing principals essentially said, "We don't care about your life, your family, your home, your church, your wallet, your future. Instead, loyalty to ISD is foremost to everything else." (Interestingly, in political terms, this would be considered fascism when the individual must subjugate himself to the State.)
During the Spring Semester, the vast majority of administrators were - understandably so - preoccupied with their possible future in the District. Many actively looked for work. Many were absent for interviews. Some who found jobs were "checked out".
At the same time, the School Board was hearing proposals to realign the middle schools. Until March, teachers didn't know whether or not this change would happen in the next or following year.
Both teachers and principals were anxious and preoccupied during the Spring Semester. It will be said that people should have risen above all this. That is easier said than done. Teachers and principals are human just like everyone else.
So, hopefully the dramatic decline in test scores will be seen in its proper light. District-level decisions and a failure to support its front-line employees led to increased chaos in the schools.
Will the School Board intervene and stop the chaos or will it continue to support decisions which "reap the whirlwind"?
Middle School Realignment
If something is said in a video that no one watches, is it really said? We are surprised that more people haven't pointed out Dr. Herl's comments in his year-end video found here: VIDEO (Discussion of middle school realignment is at the 3:09 mark.)
In February 2013, the Board heard a report from the committee regarding the proposal.
In March 2013, the Board heard an update regarding the proposal.
The Board never has voted on whether or not to proceed with the proposed realignment.
Despite the lack of official approval from the Board, the plan will proceed. In the video, Dr. Herl mentions that teachers should know their new placements by Christmas.
According to the District, the patrons are supportive of this measure. In March, they revealed the results of the survey to affected parents. 770 responded and 71%, or 547, agreed or strongly agreed with the change. The survey was conducted by Patron Insight Company.
Some thoughts:
In February 2013, the Board heard a report from the committee regarding the proposal.
In March 2013, the Board heard an update regarding the proposal.
The Board never has voted on whether or not to proceed with the proposed realignment.
Despite the lack of official approval from the Board, the plan will proceed. In the video, Dr. Herl mentions that teachers should know their new placements by Christmas.
According to the District, the patrons are supportive of this measure. In March, they revealed the results of the survey to affected parents. 770 responded and 71%, or 547, agreed or strongly agreed with the change. The survey was conducted by Patron Insight Company.
Some thoughts:
- The survey was heavily slanted in favor of the realignment. Basically, questions along the lines of "Do you want competent teachers in the classroom?" and "Do you hate puppies and kittens?"
- The District did not reveal how many total surveys were sent out nor how many affected families there are. That 547 may, in fact, represent a very small percentage of the overall families affected by the change.
- The District did not reveal how each high school was represented in the responses. For example, were the Truman parents more supportive than the Nowlin parents?
- The District did not reveal how many families were not contacted because no email is on file or the message was returned.
- 71% is not as overwhelming as it appears - it depends on how many "strongly agreed". The support may be very lukewarm if slanted toward the "agree" side.
And even then, is this a good idea? Back in 2005, when the District realigned the middle schools, it would have made sense. But now? Sure - align sports, band, debate, etc. and let the high school principals rule over a district-within-a-district. But with MSIP 5 looming - this may not be the best time to upend your middle schools. The realignment is probably a good idea whose time has past.
Saturday, August 3, 2013
We'll be back beginning on Monday!
We have several posts ready. Now that people have begun to think about school again - now is the time to start back up.
Sunday, June 16, 2013
Found: Principal for Truman
The Independence School District announced that David Gordon will be the new principal at Truman High School. Mr. Gordon was the longest serving principal at Lexington High School in Lexington, Nebraska. He announced his retirement in December 2009 and then retired at the end of the 2009-2010 School Year.
New Administrator Announced for Truman High School (from District email)
David Gordon has been selected as principal of Truman High School. He comes to Truman with 33 years of experience in education, most recently serving as principal at Lexington High School in Lexington, Nebraska. Gordon received his Bachelor’s Degree from Huron College in South Dakota, and his Master’s in Education Administration from the University of Nebraska at Lincoln.
“It is with great pride and enthusiasm that I am the high school principal of Truman, a school with a rich history of successful academics and activities,” said Gordon.
Gordon added that he is excited to lead the Truman High School faculty in the use of Missouri’s Common Core State Standards, and the use of technology within all classrooms and subject areas. He has high expectations for students to excel as they pursue their choice of college, career, technical education, the military or the workforce.
Gordon is married to Dr. Tammy Gordon, who has her degree in Educational Leadership and Curriculum/Instruction. They have two children and grandchildren living in Nebraska. Their son is an eight year veteran in education and their daughter is a recent graduate from nursing school with an emphasis in surgery.
Gordon will move to Independence in July to get a head start for the 2013-2014 school year.
LINK to Independence School District announcement.
WIKIPEDIA article on Lexington, Nebraska. (Very interesting about the town's large Hispanic population.)
Some related articles:
(The Examiner indicates that Gordon is currently the principal at Lexington High School. This is not the case. The current principal is Kyle Hoehner.)
New Administrator Announced for Truman High School (from District email)
David Gordon has been selected as principal of Truman High School. He comes to Truman with 33 years of experience in education, most recently serving as principal at Lexington High School in Lexington, Nebraska. Gordon received his Bachelor’s Degree from Huron College in South Dakota, and his Master’s in Education Administration from the University of Nebraska at Lincoln.
“It is with great pride and enthusiasm that I am the high school principal of Truman, a school with a rich history of successful academics and activities,” said Gordon.
Gordon added that he is excited to lead the Truman High School faculty in the use of Missouri’s Common Core State Standards, and the use of technology within all classrooms and subject areas. He has high expectations for students to excel as they pursue their choice of college, career, technical education, the military or the workforce.
Gordon is married to Dr. Tammy Gordon, who has her degree in Educational Leadership and Curriculum/Instruction. They have two children and grandchildren living in Nebraska. Their son is an eight year veteran in education and their daughter is a recent graduate from nursing school with an emphasis in surgery.
Gordon will move to Independence in July to get a head start for the 2013-2014 school year.
LINK to Independence School District announcement.
WIKIPEDIA article on Lexington, Nebraska. (Very interesting about the town's large Hispanic population.)
Some related articles:
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
"Don't be like Kansas City"
The Independence School District is not unique in its efforts to present a united front to its constituents. However, like your mother always said, you don't jump off a cliff just because everyone else is doing it.
Board members likely are told to avoid "micromanaging" because we don't want to end up "like Kansas City." (As if the extensive problems of that district were solely caused by over-involved school board or community members.)
New board members are probably told that "Laws are like sausages, it is better not to see them being made." (Or something like that.) (The quote is actually from Otto von Bismark.)
New board members are probably told that "Laws are like sausages, it is better not to see them being made." (Or something like that.) (The quote is actually from Otto von Bismark.)
The School District is part of the Missouri School Board Association (WEBSITE). They pay over $11,000 as dues to this Association. As part of the package, school board members can attend MSBA's annual forum where they could hear - along with other school board members from around the state - about their appropriate "role" - as defined by the superintendents.
Here's an interesting nugget from the past. The Columbia Tribune sent a reporter to the annual forum back in 2009 and he quoted our superintendent, Jim Hinson. ARTICLE
"Independence Superintendent Jim Hinson even praised his school board for not paying close attention to the district’s spending habits. Board members are welcome to talk about long-term goals, he said, but shouldn’t get into details of the day-to-day spending. 'The school board hires me to operate the school district, and that’s what I’m going to do,' Hinson said, responding to a question from an attendee about boards that 'micromanage.'
Independence has thousands of budget codes that school board members 'don’t want to know,' he bragged. And, while board members are welcome to ask about district bills in private, they shouldn’t do it at a public meeting, Hinson advised. Apparently, there are 'more important things to do at board meetings' than scrutinize district expenditures.
'The board doesn’t get involved in the daily operation of the school district, absolutely not,' Hinson said. 'If they did, I wouldn’t work there.'"
I don't think that people would argue that point. The board should not get involved in the daily operation of the District. However, that being said, it does not mean that school board members should merely be bobble-heads. There has to be a balance. As Reagan famously said, "Trust, but verify." And yes - that verification has to happen sometimes in public. This is a democracy. It isn't always pretty - but it is necessary to conduct business in the "sunshine" so that the public can be properly informed.
For added interest, here is a link to a blog post about the Joplin superintendent talking about how he and their board are "joined at the hip." LINK
For added interest, here is a link to a blog post about the Joplin superintendent talking about how he and their board are "joined at the hip." LINK
Something baaaaaad
In the comments, we've noticed a refrain by some that the issues and questions raised here are ... overstated. Surely - these comments seem to say - surely things are not nearly so bad. Surely - these comments seem to imply - surely these issues are only in the minds of disgruntled parents and employees.
Perhaps. Then again, this song has something to say about bad things happening "under the surface, behind the scenes." In the musical Wicked, the main character Elphaba says that if something bad is happening, "someone's got to tell the Wizard. That's why we have a Wizard."
Yet, it seems that people have tried to tell our Wizard that something bad is happening in Oz. Hmmm. And the significance of the imagery of Animals who have lost their powers of speech should not be lost on anyone.
Here's a link to YouTube video: Something Bad
Here are the lyrics:
Doctor Dillamond:
(spoken) Oh, Miss Elphaba - The things one hears these days.
Dreadful things.
(sung) I've heard of an Ox
A professor from Quox
No longer permitted to teach
Who has lost all powers of speech
And an Owl in Munchkin Rock
A vicar with a thriving flock
Forbidden to preach
Now he can only screech!
Only rumors - but still -
Enough to give pause
To anyone with paws
Something bad is happening in Oz.
Something bad? Happening in Oz?
Under the surface
Behind the scenes
Something baaaaaad.
(spoken) Sorry, "Bad".
(spoken) Doctor Dillamond - if something bad is happening
to the Animals, someone's got to tell the Wizard.
That's why we have a Wizard.
(sung) So nothing bad ....
(spoken) I hope you're right.
Nothing all that bad:
Nothing truly baaaaad.
(spoken) Sorry, "Bad".
It couldn't happen here
In Oz.
Perhaps. Then again, this song has something to say about bad things happening "under the surface, behind the scenes." In the musical Wicked, the main character Elphaba says that if something bad is happening, "someone's got to tell the Wizard. That's why we have a Wizard."
Yet, it seems that people have tried to tell our Wizard that something bad is happening in Oz. Hmmm. And the significance of the imagery of Animals who have lost their powers of speech should not be lost on anyone.
Here's a link to YouTube video: Something Bad
Here are the lyrics:
Doctor Dillamond:
(spoken) Oh, Miss Elphaba - The things one hears these days.
Dreadful things.
(sung) I've heard of an Ox
A professor from Quox
No longer permitted to teach
Who has lost all powers of speech
And an Owl in Munchkin Rock
A vicar with a thriving flock
Forbidden to preach
Now he can only screech!
Only rumors - but still -
Enough to give pause
To anyone with paws
Something bad is happening in Oz.
Something bad? Happening in Oz?
Under the surface
Behind the scenes
Something baaaaaad.
(spoken) Sorry, "Bad".
(spoken) Doctor Dillamond - if something bad is happening
to the Animals, someone's got to tell the Wizard.
That's why we have a Wizard.
(sung) So nothing bad ....
(spoken) I hope you're right.
Nothing all that bad:
Nothing truly baaaaad.
(spoken) Sorry, "Bad".
It couldn't happen here
In Oz.
Sports Fever - It Comes Naturally
Given the basketball fever in Kansas, the following - from Dr. Herl's biography on "Independence Patriots Basketball" website - is actually quite impressive:
Dale started his career as a teacher and coach in Kansas . He was the head boys basketball coach at Stafford (KS) H.S., Jetmore (KS) H.S., and Little River (KS), H.S. His teams consistently ranked in the top ten in the state within their classification. Prior to coaching in the high school ranks, Dale was the top assistant coach at Colby Community College (KS).
Dale's playing experience included two years at Colby Community College where he was an all-Jayhawk Conference performer. He continued his playing career at the University of Nebraska - Kearney where they were ranked in the top 20 in the nation.
Prior to playing collegiately, Dale was a two time all-league, all-area, and all-state player as well as being the Kansas Class 1A Player of the Year at Wheatland High School in Kansas. He currently holds the Kansas state record for most three pointers made in a season (111) and is one of the top scorers in Kansas history for a single season (769) and career (1624).
Dale holds a Bachelor's Degree from the University of Nebraska-Kearney, Master's Degree from Fort Hays State University (KS), and his Doctorate from Wichita State University.
National Search for Supe.. Principal
A national search has been conducted for the new superintendent principal at Truman High School.
We actually came across this looking for the job posting for any other administrative position in the District. We hadn't heard much about what was going on with the position. There is nothing listed on the district website for the Truman position and any other open principal positions. So it took a Google search of "truman high school principal job opening" to find something.
We actually came across this looking for the job posting for any other administrative position in the District. We hadn't heard much about what was going on with the position. There is nothing listed on the district website for the Truman position and any other open principal positions. So it took a Google search of "truman high school principal job opening" to find something.
Good to see that the District conducted a national search for arguably its "flagship" high school. Hopefully the Board made a decision at their meeting on Tuesday.
According to the job posting, the successful candidate for this position will be:
- Experienced in building leadership.
- Have demonstrated the improvement of student achievement using data to drive the development of a successful building improvement plan.
- Have experience and expertise in staff evaluation, student discipline, and building management.
- Display the following leadership characteristics: approachable to all in the school community, ability to create and maintain a positive school climate to facilitate teaching and learning, and ability to implement systems by which to hold staff members accountable.
- Ability to be fully certified in Missouri as a high school principal.
And of course, the candidate must be willing to establish residency within the District.
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
The School Board will have their regular monthly meeting tonight beginning at 6:00 p.m. at Central Office.
Here are the highlights of what will be discussed:
Approval of the contracts with various employee groups
Approval of the district health insurance
Approval of the contracts with various employee groups
Approval of the district health insurance
At the beginning of the meeting, there are 30 total minutes reserved for public comments. The comments can be about anything related to the schools - not just those specific things on the agenda. Any school district citizen or employee may speak. No one individual can speak more than 5 minutes.
Before the meeting, go up to the platform and ask to speak with the Board secretary, Annette Miller.
Let her know that you would like to speak to the Board.
You do not need to tell her why you wish to speak.
She should put your name on the list - to make sure that you are not forgotten.
Mrs. Miller may tell you that you needed 2 weeks notice prior to speaking to the Board. That is not true. That requirement is related to a request to place something on the agenda. As a citizen, you have the right to request that something be placed on the Board's agenda - but that request must be received 2 weeks in advance of the meeting. Then the superintendent and the board president determine whether or not to include in the agenda. (Hah - like that would actually happen!) You do NOT need to give 2 weeks notice to speak during the public comment period at the beginning of the meeting.
Mrs. Miller may also try to get you to meet privately with the superintendent. That may or may not be a good thing. Your decision. However, it is your RIGHT to address the school board. If you want to do so without making an appointment with the superintendent, then you may do so.
A review of the past month
A review of this blog's statistics is in order. You know - it's all about the data. Since May 9th:
Average number of page views per day: 1136
Total number of page views: 35,216
Please note that a page view is not necessarily the same as a unique visitor. A person may visit the blog and view a single post, multiple posts, or a single post multiple times - all in a single visit.
Worth a second look:
Average page views per day: 1136
So - we are getting consistently good traffic. What remains to be seen is whether or not this blog will increase the transparency of the school district. We are hopeful. There are more people "tuned into" district matters than ever. People are talking and asking good questions.
Average number of page views per day: 1136
Total number of page views: 35,216
Please note that a page view is not necessarily the same as a unique visitor. A person may visit the blog and view a single post, multiple posts, or a single post multiple times - all in a single visit.
Worth a second look:
Average page views per day: 1136
So - we are getting consistently good traffic. What remains to be seen is whether or not this blog will increase the transparency of the school district. We are hopeful. There are more people "tuned into" district matters than ever. People are talking and asking good questions.
Arranging the deck chairs - Central Office edition
While most of the focus has been on the turnover in building principals, it should not be forgotten that the Central Office Administration will be largely be new in 2013-2014.
5 out of 11 administrators, or 45%, will be new to their position from last year.
4 out of 11 administrators, or 36%, will be new to the District in 2013-2014.
Dale Herl - Promoted from Deputy Superintendent (5th year in District and position)
(Former superintendent of Burrton, Kansas, schools)
(Former superintendent of Burrton, Kansas, schools)
Deputy Superintendent
Lance Stout - Former superintendent of Liberal, Kansas, schools
Deputy Superintendent
Dred Scott - Remaining in position (6th year in position / 7th year in District)
Assistant Superintendent - Secondary
Brad MacLaughlin - Former superintendent of Lexington, Missouri
Assistant Superintendent - Elementary
?????Does anyone have information whether or not this position was created and filled?????
?????Does anyone have information whether or not this position was created and filled?????
Assistant Superintendent - Curriculum
Beth Savidge - Remaining in position (6th year in position / 12th year in District)
Assistant Superintendent - Human Resources
Linda Gray Smith - Remaining in position (3rd year in both position and in district)
(Former superintendent of Chillocothe, Missouri, schools)
Director of Human Resources
Cindy Grant - Remaining in position (2nd year in position / 16th in District)
Director of Special Services
Sherry Potter - remaining in place (*2nd year in position*)
(Note: Cindy Konomos announced her retirement last year, but stayed on for one year. She and Sherry Potter were "co-directors" during 2012-2013.)
Director of Public Relations
Nancy Lewis - Remaining in position (5th year in position and District)
Director of Technology
Blake Zachary - Former Director of Technology at South Montgomery Community Schools (Indiana)
Thursday, June 6, 2013
"I didn't go looking for this job"
The High Plains Dealer, a local paper that covers Liberal, Kansas, published a story about ISD's new deputy superintendent, Dr. Lance Stout. Sounds like he was well-liked and respected in that community where he was part of the Liberal, KS school district for over 20 years. No reason to question any of that.
There were some interesting tid-bits in the article.
“The decision was very hard,” he said. “I didn’t go looking for this job, and almost didn’t consider it. I love Western Kansas.” Having grown up in Sublette from 1968 to 1987, when he graduated high school, Stout only left the area to attend college at the University of Oklahoma. Then he and his wife, Jill — also a Sublette native — headed back to familiar territory.
Here's the link to the ARTICLE.
We suppose that it is not unusual for a superintendent to be given wide latitude to gather his leadership team. Herl and Stout became friends as part of the same doctoral cohort at Wichita State. However, the same courtesy is not extended to building principals. Central Office administrators often dictate to building principals who can be hired as assistant principals or move them around without a principal's foreknowledge and approval. Central Office also interferes regularly in the hiring and discipline of staff at the building level. This makes it very difficult for a building principal to develop the leadership team that he or she wants to have at the school.
Interestingly, we found a link to Dr. Stout's doctoral dissertation at Wichita State University. It is entitled, "Seeking Funds of Knowledge: Perceptions of Latino Families in a Rural School District in the Midwest United States." Hopefully, some of that experience can help with the demographic changes occurring in Independence, especially in western Independence attendance areas. PDF - Dissertation.
Other stuff:
ARTICLE about when Stout was selected as Superintendent of Liberal schools.
CONTROVERSY about whether or not the high school should have permitted a returning airman (22 years old) to escort (but not attend) the prom. Afterwards, Stout said, “We are willing to work and find a remedy to this,” Stout said. “It is impossible to go back, but what we can do is make it better for the future.” This is a welcome attitude - hopefully it continues.
There were some interesting tid-bits in the article.
“The decision was very hard,” he said. “I didn’t go looking for this job, and almost didn’t consider it. I love Western Kansas.” Having grown up in Sublette from 1968 to 1987, when he graduated high school, Stout only left the area to attend college at the University of Oklahoma. Then he and his wife, Jill — also a Sublette native — headed back to familiar territory.
Stout’s decision to accept the deputy superintendent job in Independence grew out of his professional friendship with newly-installed superintendent Dr. Daryl [sic] Herl. “He’s a very good friend of mine, and earlier this year, he was hired for that position, with full latitude to hire a staff. He said, ‘Hey, I’d like you to consider coming in here as my right-hand man,’ and I said, ‘I don’t know. I love Liberal and I love my job.’ He said, ‘Well, just come take a look.’”
Here's the link to the ARTICLE.
We suppose that it is not unusual for a superintendent to be given wide latitude to gather his leadership team. Herl and Stout became friends as part of the same doctoral cohort at Wichita State. However, the same courtesy is not extended to building principals. Central Office administrators often dictate to building principals who can be hired as assistant principals or move them around without a principal's foreknowledge and approval. Central Office also interferes regularly in the hiring and discipline of staff at the building level. This makes it very difficult for a building principal to develop the leadership team that he or she wants to have at the school.
Interestingly, we found a link to Dr. Stout's doctoral dissertation at Wichita State University. It is entitled, "Seeking Funds of Knowledge: Perceptions of Latino Families in a Rural School District in the Midwest United States." Hopefully, some of that experience can help with the demographic changes occurring in Independence, especially in western Independence attendance areas. PDF - Dissertation.
Other stuff:
ARTICLE about when Stout was selected as Superintendent of Liberal schools.
CONTROVERSY about whether or not the high school should have permitted a returning airman (22 years old) to escort (but not attend) the prom. Afterwards, Stout said, “We are willing to work and find a remedy to this,” Stout said. “It is impossible to go back, but what we can do is make it better for the future.” This is a welcome attitude - hopefully it continues.
Wednesday, June 5, 2013
Arranging the deck chairs - Elementary edition
The failure to
“grandfather” or exempt the existing administrators has not decimated the ranks
of elementary school principals in the same way as it has the secondary level
staff. However, we do not know how many
looked for other jobs but decided to remain – for now – with the District.
the turnover still is unprecedented.
There will be 8 principals either new to their building or new to the
District. 8 out of 19, or 37%. Only 2 were expected retirements – Marlowe at
Proctor and Mallums at Luff.
Leslie Hochsprung - STAYING
Laura LaCroix - GONE to Liberty
Sara Terril (Teacher – ISD) will be her
Jeff Anger - STAYING
Todd Siebert - STAYING
Ron Albertus - STAYING
Little Blue
Jeffrey Williams - STAYING (first year as
Antoinette Mallums - RETIRING
Melissa Carver from Lone Jack will be her
Susan Barnes – NEW (Principal from Seneca,
Mill Creek
Kathy Butler - GONE to Lone Jack
Anthony King (Asst. Principal at Korte)
will be her replacement.
Ronnee Laughlin - STAYING
Debbie Marlowe - RETIRING
Amy Hawley (Teacher – ISD) will be her
Christy Compton - STAYING (first year as
Santa Fe
Janet Gibbs - STAYING
Kathy Ambrose - ???(first year as
(We've heard that she'll be leaving from several sources - but haven't been able to confirm anything. Post in the comments if you have any information - and we'll correct.)
(We've heard that she'll be leaving from several sources - but haven't been able to confirm anything. Post in the comments if you have any information - and we'll correct.)
Replacement unknown.
Spring Branch
Janet Richards - TRANSFERRED to Bridger
Aaron Kirkhoff (Principal at Sugar Creek)
will be her replacement.
Sugar Creek
Aaron Kirkhoff - TRANSFERRED to Spring
Branch (first year as principal)
Shellie Dumas (Teacher-ISD) will be his
Sycamore Hills
Anne Pye - STAYING
Three Trails
Robert Streich - STAYING
Monday, June 3, 2013
Adidas - updated
It was a concern recently raised in an Examiner guest column: Is the District focusing too much attention on sports?
You might have missed the article about the District's new relationship with Nill Brothers Team Sports Apparell (a KS company) and Adidas. See ARTICLE.
From the official ISD Sports website: "The Independence school district has adopted the Adidas stripes and signed an agreement with the athletic apparel company to sponsor the districts’ athletic teams." See WEBSITE.
All you may want to know about Adidas but were afraid to ask: WIKIPEDIA
For those interested in such things, the University of Kansas just renewed their relationship with Adidas. Here's the ARTICLE in the KC Star which also mentions Adidas' recent trouble with labor practices. Apparently, the University of Wisconsin and others dropped Adidas in protest.
With all these konnections to Kansas, maybe Dr. Hinson moving to Shawnee Mission is the first step in annexing that district.
You might have missed the article about the District's new relationship with Nill Brothers Team Sports Apparell (a KS company) and Adidas. See ARTICLE.
From the official ISD Sports website: "The Independence school district has adopted the Adidas stripes and signed an agreement with the athletic apparel company to sponsor the districts’ athletic teams." See WEBSITE.
All you may want to know about Adidas but were afraid to ask: WIKIPEDIA
For those interested in such things, the University of Kansas just renewed their relationship with Adidas. Here's the ARTICLE in the KC Star which also mentions Adidas' recent trouble with labor practices. Apparently, the University of Wisconsin and others dropped Adidas in protest.
With all these konnections to Kansas, maybe Dr. Hinson moving to Shawnee Mission is the first step in annexing that district.
Trust Based Relational Intervention
Most District parents and students are probably familiar with BIST - even if they don't know what the acronym means. (Behavior Intervention Support Team was developed locally by Ozanam.)
At the beginning of 2012-2013 school year, the District quietly ended its contract with BIST. We say "quietly" because it was not discussed at an open Board meeting. However, it does remain a Board goal that BIST or Love and Logic be fully implemented in the District. See District website for Board goals.
In its place - at some elementary schools - BIST was replaced with another acronym - TBRI - or Trust Based Relational Intervention. This is about the extent of what we know. An internet search really didn't produce much information - or at least any information that seemed related.
TBRI was developed at Texas Christian University. See website. "It is a family-based intervention that is designed for children who have experienced relationship-based traumas such as institutionalization, multiple-foster placements, maltreatment, and/or neglect." We couldn't find any information about TBRI in schools - but that may just be our Googling skills!
At the beginning of 2012-2013 school year, the District quietly ended its contract with BIST. We say "quietly" because it was not discussed at an open Board meeting. However, it does remain a Board goal that BIST or Love and Logic be fully implemented in the District. See District website for Board goals.
In its place - at some elementary schools - BIST was replaced with another acronym - TBRI - or Trust Based Relational Intervention. This is about the extent of what we know. An internet search really didn't produce much information - or at least any information that seemed related.
TBRI was developed at Texas Christian University. See website. "It is a family-based intervention that is designed for children who have experienced relationship-based traumas such as institutionalization, multiple-foster placements, maltreatment, and/or neglect." We couldn't find any information about TBRI in schools - but that may just be our Googling skills!
A Missed Story
We don't claim to be journalists - but we are curious why the Examiner would not have covered the accident at Bridger Middle School back on May 18, 2013. We have no information than what is presented in the media coverage. Again - just curious why the Examiner wouldn't cover or follow up on this. (Or was the story only in the print edition???)
Here's the link to the story on KMBC: STORY
Even the raunchy Tony's KC blog mentioned it: STORY
The dinosaur media need to figure out their purpose - and that purpose needs to be more than just republishing press releases.
Here's the link to the story on KMBC: STORY
Even the raunchy Tony's KC blog mentioned it: STORY
The dinosaur media need to figure out their purpose - and that purpose needs to be more than just republishing press releases.
Rearranging the deck chairs - secondary edition updated
The failure to "grandfather" existing administrators from the new residency requirements has taken the biggest toll on the secondary schools.
Of the head principals, 4 out of 8, or 50%, will be new to their buildings. If you only consider who remains as head principal, only Becker and Weishaar remain from last year. The other two head principals (Layden and Playter) are internal promotions. Think about that: only 1 high school principal and 1 middle school principal remain in place at the end of 2012-2013.
Of the assistant principals, 13 out of 22, or 59% will be new to their buildings. Only 1 middle school assistant principal remains in the same place for 2013-2014 as 2012-2013.
ALL but one of these changes was a retirement (Bungart at Nowlin). The rest are resignations.
ALL but one of these changes was a retirement (Bungart at Nowlin). The rest are resignations.
(Note: For the purposes of this post, we are not differentiating between assistant and associate principals.)
Truman – 60% turnover
Principal – Unknown
Asst #1 – Boatright
Asst #2 – Loewe
Asst #3 – Unrein (new / teacher and coach from Blue Valley (KS) schools)
Asst #4 – Unknown
Chrisman – 40% turnover
Principal – Becker
Asst #1 – Clemons
Asst #2 – Madison
Asst #3 – Maglinger (transferred from Truman)
Asst #4 – Hastings (new / assessment manager for KCKS schools)
Van Horn – 33% turnover
Principal – Layden (promotion within building)
Asst #1 – Kline (new / teacher at Van Horn)
Asst #2 – Woods (transferred from Chrisman)
Independence Academy – 50% turnover
Principal – Unknown
Asst #1 – McBurney
Bridger – 67% turnover
Principal – Richards (transferred from Spring Branch)
Asst #1 – Painter
Asst #2 – Dorris (transferred from Pioneer Ridge)
Bingham – 67% turnover
Principal – Playter (promotion within building)
Asst #1 – Tempel (new / teacher at Nowlin)
Asst #2 – Morton (new / teacher in Fort Osage)
Pioneer Ridge – 67% turnover
Principal – Wieshaar
Asst #1 – Drinkwater (new / teacher at Chrisman)
Asst #2 – Tauveli (transferred from Bridger)
Nowlin – 80% turnover
Principal – Nowak (promoted from Van Horn)
Asst #1 – Henson
Asst #2 – McGhee (new / teacher at Van Horn)
Asst #3 - Unknown
Asst #4 - Unknown
Sunday, June 2, 2013
Baby Step!
Maybe we can claim a small victory for transparency!
In the May 16th post "Transparent as mud", we complained that the Board minutes on the District website had not been updated since September 2012.
Well, if you access the District website now, all the agenda and minutes have been updated and neatly organized. Much better viewing!
Or this may just be mystical coincidence.
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
"Independence School District has lost sight of its greatest asset."
Another critical article or editorial in the Examiner? There have been two such articles since January.
Independence Schools must maintain focus.
The article is written by Matt Beem who is also a regular featured columnist in the Examiner. The money quote: "I’ll tell you what I think’s going on. I think the Independence School District has lost sight of its greatest asset."
He is asking for any thoughts or comments about his article to be sent directly to him:
We are confident that your replies will be kept confidential and treated with respect.
We agree with Mr. Beem. Independence will never be the athletic powerhouse that some administrators are hoping. Anyone who truly understands our community knows this. There will always be stand-outs and exceptional teams. But not the year after year after year dominance that a powerhouse would display.
Many administrators in the district come from small towns. This is not a bad thing - but it is not experience directly related to Independence which is the 5th largest city in the State of Missouri. The District is the core of this large, increasingly urban, district. For many small towns, the sports teams are the center of pride and social life. That is, never has been, and never will be Independence.
To demonstrate this, go back to the comments made by new Superintendent Herl. "This is a large city connected to a large metropolitan area, but the town is very contained here. I grew up in a small town, as did my wife, so that is a nice feeling to have here.” See April 10, 2013, Examiner Article.
Independence Schools must maintain focus.
The article is written by Matt Beem who is also a regular featured columnist in the Examiner. The money quote: "I’ll tell you what I think’s going on. I think the Independence School District has lost sight of its greatest asset."
He is asking for any thoughts or comments about his article to be sent directly to him:
We are confident that your replies will be kept confidential and treated with respect.
We agree with Mr. Beem. Independence will never be the athletic powerhouse that some administrators are hoping. Anyone who truly understands our community knows this. There will always be stand-outs and exceptional teams. But not the year after year after year dominance that a powerhouse would display.
Many administrators in the district come from small towns. This is not a bad thing - but it is not experience directly related to Independence which is the 5th largest city in the State of Missouri. The District is the core of this large, increasingly urban, district. For many small towns, the sports teams are the center of pride and social life. That is, never has been, and never will be Independence.
To demonstrate this, go back to the comments made by new Superintendent Herl. "This is a large city connected to a large metropolitan area, but the town is very contained here. I grew up in a small town, as did my wife, so that is a nice feeling to have here.” See April 10, 2013, Examiner Article.
West Side Cafe
Many people are surprised to learn that the District OWNS a restaurant and catering business.
Other school districts may own a restaurant as part of their culinary arts program. Students work and manage the restaurant as part of a certification program. Shawnee Mission School District has such a cafe.
However, ISD's venture is different. It is an actual restaurant and catering business owned by the District and operated by a former CO administrator and her husband.
Notice on the District website
Information on the Ennovation Center's website (includes menu)
Article in the Independence Retired School Personnel Association newsletter (PDF)
On page 7, "The district owns this new venture, operated by Claudia and Joe Ketterlin. You might remember Claudia as Human Resources Director for the district before she and her husband opened JoJo’s Café in Gaslight Square off Noland Road." (Emphasis added)
Facebook page
PROBLEMS with this arrangement:
Other school districts may own a restaurant as part of their culinary arts program. Students work and manage the restaurant as part of a certification program. Shawnee Mission School District has such a cafe.
However, ISD's venture is different. It is an actual restaurant and catering business owned by the District and operated by a former CO administrator and her husband.
Notice on the District website
Information on the Ennovation Center's website (includes menu)
Article in the Independence Retired School Personnel Association newsletter (PDF)
On page 7, "The district owns this new venture, operated by Claudia and Joe Ketterlin. You might remember Claudia as Human Resources Director for the district before she and her husband opened JoJo’s Café in Gaslight Square off Noland Road." (Emphasis added)
Facebook page
PROBLEMS with this arrangement:
- West Side Cafe competes with other private businesses in western Independence - tax-paying businesses.
- West Side Cafe has been given a virtual monopoly on District business which no other private business enjoys. Principals have been instructed that they MUST use the Cafe. The Cafe has been given access to the employee email directory and sends out emails asking employees to place orders.
- The financial arrangements behind West Side Cafe are unknown. The contract was never discussed or approved at the public Board meeting. The public does not know how much the managers are paid. We do not know how profits and losses are distributed. What is the business plan? Has the monopoly and access to employees been properly valued in the financial terms? What happens if the business fails? What happens if the business succeeds and needs to move out?
- The Superintendent never discussed in public the need for a restaurant - or even a cafeteria - for employees at Central Office. How does this fit into the PURPOSE of the School District? If the employees at that site needed a place to eat, then could there have been another arrangement made?
- Who approached who? The District could have put out a Request and sought to partner with another existing business in western Independence.
- HOW DO THE CHILDREN BENEFIT? How is this what is best for children?
- What expenses does the District bear? Lights? Water? Use of equipment and depreciation?
Friday, May 24, 2013
From my waiter
"What is up with the Independence School District?"
At lunch, my waiter and I engaged in some chit-chat. And then he launched into a discourse about his girlfriend's classroom and her concerns about Special Education (not enough staff to service the needs). Clearly a concerned young man and citizen.
I was at a gathering about a week ago and two retired teachers from other school districts (but who live in Independence) asked essentially the same question, "What the heck is going on in Independence?"
People are concerned. They are asking questions and seeking answers. They hear things at church, from their neighbors, in line at the grocery store. However, the typical venues of inquiry are closed. The Examiner does not report on substantive issues pertaining to the school district. There is just a veil of silence - only the news releases from the District's PR Department seem to pierce this cloud.
Citizenship is more than just voting for a bond or levy when asked. Citizenship is more than just feeling good about your schools. Citizenship is about asking questions and holding elected officials accountable. Citizenship is about making sure that public schools are serving the public interest.
Citizenship is more than just voting for a bond or levy when asked. Citizenship is more than just feeling good about your schools. Citizenship is about asking questions and holding elected officials accountable. Citizenship is about making sure that public schools are serving the public interest.
Votes to hire, fire, promote or discipline employees
The School Board must discuss matters related to "human resources" during closed session. Thus, the details of the discussions related to hiring, firing, promoting or disciplining an employee are kept confidential. However, many people do not know that the record of the VOTES on the decision to hire, fire, promote or discipline must be made available to the public within 72 hours.
See the Attorney General's Opinion 129-97 (1997).
See the Attorney General's Opinion 129-97 (1997).
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
Brain Drain
Anecdotal accounts make it appear that many experienced staff members are leaving the district - even taking positions in other districts for less money. Now there can be a lot of reasons for staff turnover but whatever the reason it should not be taken lightly.
The exit interviews with district staff are very perfunctory. Mostly about COBRA benefits and when the last paycheck will be delivered. Generally, just the bare minimum for the District to cover its legal butt.
Unlike most businesses and many school districts, the Human Resources department apparently does not track why employees decide to leave. It has been this way for years. These are valuable questions to ask. Is the employee leaving to seek another job in another school district? Why? Are they retiring? Are they retiring earlier than expected? Why? Are they leaving the teaching profession entirely? Why?
The exit interviews with district staff are very perfunctory. Mostly about COBRA benefits and when the last paycheck will be delivered. Generally, just the bare minimum for the District to cover its legal butt.
Unlike most businesses and many school districts, the Human Resources department apparently does not track why employees decide to leave. It has been this way for years. These are valuable questions to ask. Is the employee leaving to seek another job in another school district? Why? Are they retiring? Are they retiring earlier than expected? Why? Are they leaving the teaching profession entirely? Why?
Elementary School Principals (Corrected) (Updated 5/28)
As requested, here is a list with the comings and goings of the elementary school principals. (Though admittedly - it may be incomplete. Very little information on district website. Please post corrections in the comments.) It would be interesting to know who does and does not live in the District - this might give a better picture about potential turnover. Most of the "attention" has been on the secondary level.
However, the principal is a "big" person at an elementary school. These schools are smaller and most students know their principal. The principal probably knows most of the students by name. Having unnecessary turnover at this level is problematic - kids need stability.
Leslie Hochsprung - STAYING
Laura LaCroix - GONE to Liberty
Sara Terril will be her replacement.
Jeff Anger - STAYING
Todd Siebert - STAYING
Ron Albertus - STAYING
Little Blue
Jeffrey Williams - STAYING (first year as principal)
Antoinette Mallums - RETIRING
Melissa Carver from Lone Jack will be her replacement.
NEW 2013-2014 - Susan Barnes
From Seneca, Missouri
Mill Creek
Kathy Butler - GONE to Lone Jack
Anthony King will be her replacement.
Ronnee Laughlin - STAYING
Debbie Marlowe - RETIRING
Amy Hawley will be her replacement.
Christy Compton - STAYING (first year as principal)
Santa Fe
Janet Gibbs - STAYING
Kathy Ambrose - STAYING (first year as principal?)
Spring Branch
Janet Richards - TRANSFERRED to Bridger
Aaron Kirkhoff will be her replacement.
Sugar Creek
Aaron Kirkhoff - TRANSFERRED to Spring Branch (first year as principal)
Shellie Dumas will be his replacement.
Sycamore Hills
Anne Pye - STAYING
Three Trails
Robert Streich - STAYING
However, the principal is a "big" person at an elementary school. These schools are smaller and most students know their principal. The principal probably knows most of the students by name. Having unnecessary turnover at this level is problematic - kids need stability.
Leslie Hochsprung - STAYING
Laura LaCroix - GONE to Liberty
Sara Terril will be her replacement.
Jeff Anger - STAYING
Todd Siebert - STAYING
Ron Albertus - STAYING
Little Blue
Jeffrey Williams - STAYING (first year as principal)
Antoinette Mallums - RETIRING
Melissa Carver from Lone Jack will be her replacement.
NEW 2013-2014 - Susan Barnes
From Seneca, Missouri
Mill Creek
Kathy Butler - GONE to Lone Jack
Anthony King will be her replacement.
Ronnee Laughlin - STAYING
Debbie Marlowe - RETIRING
Amy Hawley will be her replacement.
Christy Compton - STAYING (first year as principal)
Santa Fe
Janet Gibbs - STAYING
Kathy Ambrose - STAYING (first year as principal?)
Spring Branch
Janet Richards - TRANSFERRED to Bridger
Aaron Kirkhoff will be her replacement.
Sugar Creek
Aaron Kirkhoff - TRANSFERRED to Spring Branch (first year as principal)
Shellie Dumas will be his replacement.
Sycamore Hills
Anne Pye - STAYING
Three Trails
Robert Streich - STAYING
Thursday, May 16, 2013
Transparent as mud
No school board minutes have been posted on the District website since September 2012.
Be careful what you ask for... (Updated)
Remember when the Examiner published an editorial "Rethink the Residency Requirement"? People were shocked that the Examiner published anything critical of the school district. But there has been no follow up.
Here's what the Examiner wrote: "The potential turnover caused by this policy is far more worrisome than any theoretical gains."
Here's the turnover at the secondary (high school and middle school) level. Now just because someone is "staying" doesn't mean that they aren't looking. Depends on whether or not they live in the district and we don't know all that.
Barr - GONE to Ray-Pec
Boatright - STAYING
Bult - GONE to Grain Valley
Becker - STAYING
Clemons - STAYING
Woods - TRANSFERRED to Van Horn
Salinas - STAYING
Gramkow - GONE to Fort Osage
Van Horn
Netzer - RETIRED
Layden - PROMOTED to principal
Nowak - PROMOTED to principal (Nowlin)
Wendy Kline will be a new assistant principal.
Clemons - GONE to North Kansas City
Painter - STAYING
Tauveli - STAYING
Willich - GONE to Park Hill
Garmon - GONE to Raytown
Playter - PROMOTED to principal
Pioneer Ridge
Wieshaar - STAYING
Dorris - TRANSFERRED to Bridger
Jacobs - GONE to Lee's Summit
He will be replaced by Amanda Drinkwater.
Wolff - GONE to ?
Bungart - RETIRED
Henson - STAYING
Here's what the Examiner wrote: "The potential turnover caused by this policy is far more worrisome than any theoretical gains."
Here's the turnover at the secondary (high school and middle school) level. Now just because someone is "staying" doesn't mean that they aren't looking. Depends on whether or not they live in the district and we don't know all that.
Barr - GONE to Ray-Pec
Boatright - STAYING
Bult - GONE to Grain Valley
Becker - STAYING
Clemons - STAYING
Woods - TRANSFERRED to Van Horn
Salinas - STAYING
Gramkow - GONE to Fort Osage
Van Horn
Netzer - RETIRED
Layden - PROMOTED to principal
Nowak - PROMOTED to principal (Nowlin)
Wendy Kline will be a new assistant principal.
Clemons - GONE to North Kansas City
Painter - STAYING
Tauveli - STAYING
Willich - GONE to Park Hill
Garmon - GONE to Raytown
Playter - PROMOTED to principal
Pioneer Ridge
Wieshaar - STAYING
Dorris - TRANSFERRED to Bridger
Jacobs - GONE to Lee's Summit
He will be replaced by Amanda Drinkwater.
Wolff - GONE to ?
Bungart - RETIRED
Henson - STAYING
Those Golden Years
There was some chatter about retiring administrators and the difference between 3 and 5 years. Here's the scoop.
It takes 5 years to "vest" or become part of PSRS. Then your eligible for retirement benefits - though we are not sure about how that differs from someone who has been in 25 years or more. Once vested, PSRS takes the average of the highest 3 years to determine the retirement benefit.
In ISD, this is how all this played out:
Sharon Byrd, former principal at Sugar Creek, left Kansas City in 2007 and joined the ISD. She's been in the district 5 years. Now, she could have been or should have been booted out last year - but was given some fluff job for this year - to get her to year 5 - and vested. So now she should be able to draw both retirement from PSRS and the Kansas City system (which is separate from PSRS). (Does anyone know what she was even doing this year?)
Ron Albertus, principal at Korte, joined ISD in 2011. He had previously retired from as superintendent of a rural district in Illinois. (Whoa! Culture shock!) All bets are on that he'll retire in 2017. (That seems like a long way off.)
Greg Netzer, soon-to-be retired principal at Van Horn, retired from Kansas City, KS school district and has been with Independence - you guessed it - 5 years. He's vested. But one saving grace is that the Kansas retirement system SUCKS - so he probably deserves this and more.
It takes 5 years to "vest" or become part of PSRS. Then your eligible for retirement benefits - though we are not sure about how that differs from someone who has been in 25 years or more. Once vested, PSRS takes the average of the highest 3 years to determine the retirement benefit.
In ISD, this is how all this played out:
Sharon Byrd, former principal at Sugar Creek, left Kansas City in 2007 and joined the ISD. She's been in the district 5 years. Now, she could have been or should have been booted out last year - but was given some fluff job for this year - to get her to year 5 - and vested. So now she should be able to draw both retirement from PSRS and the Kansas City system (which is separate from PSRS). (Does anyone know what she was even doing this year?)
Ron Albertus, principal at Korte, joined ISD in 2011. He had previously retired from as superintendent of a rural district in Illinois. (Whoa! Culture shock!) All bets are on that he'll retire in 2017. (That seems like a long way off.)
Greg Netzer, soon-to-be retired principal at Van Horn, retired from Kansas City, KS school district and has been with Independence - you guessed it - 5 years. He's vested. But one saving grace is that the Kansas retirement system SUCKS - so he probably deserves this and more.
Monday, May 13, 2013
Kansas Konnection
It was a surprise to many when Hinson selected a small town superintendent (Herl) to be the deputy superintendent. Shoot - most schools in Independence had more students than Herl's former school district had in total. But that was three years ago - so he's had plenty of "on-the-job" training by now.
But to select AGAIN another small town superintendent from Kansas to be the deputy superintendent seems - well - strange. Seriously - is there no one in Missouri that is qualified? Is there no one with URBAN experience that is qualified? Remember that Kansas and Missouri have different ways of funding their public schools. So this new guy will need "on-the-job" training as well. Fortunately he'll be paid well to do it.
(Of course, there is always Leonard Westbrook to help out.)
Dr. Lance Stout will be the new deputy superintendent. (Was he in same doctoral program as Herl? Did they know each other there? Why bring this guy to Independence?) He was the superintendent in Liberal, Kansas - which has just under 5,000 students in total.
Here's the link to an interview with him from the hometown radio station.
He's been in southwest Kansas ALL HIS LIFE! Hmmmm. He'll know a lot of the Independence community. I wonder what the increase in the salary is?
There there is Gregg Webb - the new football coach for Truman. He's from Eudora, Kansas.
But to select AGAIN another small town superintendent from Kansas to be the deputy superintendent seems - well - strange. Seriously - is there no one in Missouri that is qualified? Is there no one with URBAN experience that is qualified? Remember that Kansas and Missouri have different ways of funding their public schools. So this new guy will need "on-the-job" training as well. Fortunately he'll be paid well to do it.
(Of course, there is always Leonard Westbrook to help out.)
Dr. Lance Stout will be the new deputy superintendent. (Was he in same doctoral program as Herl? Did they know each other there? Why bring this guy to Independence?) He was the superintendent in Liberal, Kansas - which has just under 5,000 students in total.
Here's the link to an interview with him from the hometown radio station.
He's been in southwest Kansas ALL HIS LIFE! Hmmmm. He'll know a lot of the Independence community. I wonder what the increase in the salary is?
There there is Gregg Webb - the new football coach for Truman. He's from Eudora, Kansas.
Have you seen the sign out in front of Matt Mallinson's Medicine Shoppe? Ugh.
"Mayor Matt Mallinson thanks you." #barf
It will be interesting to watch who is his replacement on the Independence School District's Board of Education. #bobblehead
"Mayor Matt Mallinson thanks you." #barf
It will be interesting to watch who is his replacement on the Independence School District's Board of Education. #bobblehead
Sunday, May 12, 2013
Who is Scorpio Horn?
We received several anonymous tips that a lot of the "sports" focus in the District is related to Scorpio Horn. At first, we must admit that we thought that this must be some joke. Sounds like a porn star name or something like that. But over the weekend, we've received enough information that it appears that people might have something to say about this.
Apparently, Scorpio serves as a youth at-risk specialist. He's also connected to the Bears for Tomorrow program.
From the information that we received, it appears that Scorpio works at buildings that feed into Chrisman. There seems to be a lot of confusion about what exactly he is supposed to be doing - but everyone seemed to agree that he is making sure that at-risk kids stay in the athletics pipeline. Whatever his role - it is apparent that people stay out of his way because of their fear that anything said/done goes straight to the top.
Some people have commented that District administrators are concerned that people are moving out of Independence and to other districts because we don't have the "good" athletic programs like Blue Springs. The assumption is that sports is the WAY OUT for these kids - probably just as it was for Horn - we guess.
There are rumors that Scorpio makes a butt-load of money to do this - but that seems a little out of line given his background. But several people have emailed that tidbit - so it definitely out there. ISD does pay its favorites well - we know that.
Quick Biography / Bears Tomorrow
2009 Examiner Article that highlights Scorpio's older brother who was a pro football player.
2011 Bears Tomorrow
Examiner article about Bears Tomorrow and lawyer Bob Buckley
Apparently, Scorpio serves as a youth at-risk specialist. He's also connected to the Bears for Tomorrow program.
From the information that we received, it appears that Scorpio works at buildings that feed into Chrisman. There seems to be a lot of confusion about what exactly he is supposed to be doing - but everyone seemed to agree that he is making sure that at-risk kids stay in the athletics pipeline. Whatever his role - it is apparent that people stay out of his way because of their fear that anything said/done goes straight to the top.
Some people have commented that District administrators are concerned that people are moving out of Independence and to other districts because we don't have the "good" athletic programs like Blue Springs. The assumption is that sports is the WAY OUT for these kids - probably just as it was for Horn - we guess.
There are rumors that Scorpio makes a butt-load of money to do this - but that seems a little out of line given his background. But several people have emailed that tidbit - so it definitely out there. ISD does pay its favorites well - we know that.
Quick Biography / Bears Tomorrow
2009 Examiner Article that highlights Scorpio's older brother who was a pro football player.
2011 Bears Tomorrow
Examiner article about Bears Tomorrow and lawyer Bob Buckley
Friday, May 10, 2013
Anonymous Commenting Now Available
We've changed the settings so that people can post anonymously. Sorry that this was set up before - we thought that it was. There was a toggle switch that we needed to change.
Comment AWAY!!!!!
You can't handle the truth!
We take it as a sign of success that the District has blocked access to this blog from the district's web servers. Not that we were expecting people to access the blog from work. Duh.
Share the link with a friend:
Share the link with a friend:
Thursday, May 9, 2013
A good job if you can get it
What Central Office administrator was sent to North Carolina on the top-security mission to administer the MAP tests to our students at Mindstream Academy? (Yes - we have another group of students at the "camp".) Several days - several tests - several rounds of golf. Oops, did we say that? Just assuming. Hope the weather is nice out there.
Just a reminder: Your public tax dollars are going to a private school in another state. Nice.
Just a reminder: Your public tax dollars are going to a private school in another state. Nice.
What is up with the coaches?
What is going on with the coaches in district? Lots of moving around. Post comments!!!!
We heard that at the beginning of the year there was quite a "Come to Jesus" meeting between Hinson and the coaches. Apparently, he hates to lose. Is this what is going on?
We heard that at the beginning of the year there was quite a "Come to Jesus" meeting between Hinson and the coaches. Apparently, he hates to lose. Is this what is going on?
Worst Principal has the Best School
Now remember that it is SO important - VITAL - that all district administrators live in the district. This is what is "best for kids." (Cough, cough, wink, wink toward the real estate agents, builders and developers.)
Any administrator who doesn't live in the district really isn't doing their job 100% - they are bad, bad, bad. Either move in or move out.
So it was a SHOCK to many watchers of the District that Truman High School was recently recognized as one of the best high schools in Missouri. US News and World Report 2013 Rankings placed Truman as 16th in the state. Only seven schools in the metro area were in the top 20.
Wow. Someone probably needs to tell US News and World Report to adjust their rating scales. They need to add a score for "Does the principal and assistant principals live in the district?" If NO, then rate the school ZERO. Seriously, US News and World Report must not understand education.
Link to Examiner article: HERE
Any administrator who doesn't live in the district really isn't doing their job 100% - they are bad, bad, bad. Either move in or move out.
So it was a SHOCK to many watchers of the District that Truman High School was recently recognized as one of the best high schools in Missouri. US News and World Report 2013 Rankings placed Truman as 16th in the state. Only seven schools in the metro area were in the top 20.
Wow. Someone probably needs to tell US News and World Report to adjust their rating scales. They need to add a score for "Does the principal and assistant principals live in the district?" If NO, then rate the school ZERO. Seriously, US News and World Report must not understand education.
Link to Examiner article: HERE
Sunday, May 5, 2013
Is it Human and is it a Resource?
Ask around Independence about Linda Gray-Smith and you'll hear an almost unanimous opinion: awful.
Ask around Chillocothe, where Linda G-S was superintendent, and you'll hear an almost unanimous opinion: awful.
So how did she find her way to Independence?
We've heard that she only has a year or two left here in Independence. Then she'll retire. So typical of how we work. Keep dysfunctional administrators around so that they can make their 3 highest years and retire with the full hog!!!! Legislators complain about teachers sucking the public teat with our pension system - but the real abusers of this system are the administrators especially superintendents.
Someone here in Independence is doing Linda G-S a favor by hiring her. Just to finish up so that she can get her full retirement. She used to be a principal up in Lamoni - so maybe there is some Community of Christ or Graceland connection. Or there is just a superintendent connection.
Below are some links. Random - I know.
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
Why did Hinson leave?
Arguably, Jim Hinson was at the top of his game in Independence. So it was quite a shock to some that he jumped ship over to Shawnee Mission.
1 - Was it just so that he could double-dip? Retire from Missouri, start collecting the retirement (AND the substantial annuity provided annually by the ISD) and draw another high salary over in Kansas?
2 - Could it have been he wasn't going to get his contract renewed in Independence? We know that this sounds surprising - especially considering the public gushing done by the school board members. But we have heard this from several sources on both sides of the state line.
To reinforce this, we have good information that Hinson interviewed for the open position in at least one Missouri school district down in the southern part of KC area. Why would he do that? There was NO way that this school district could have paid him what he was being paid in ISD.
3 - The wheels are about to come off the ISD under MSIP 5. We've been hearing a lot that the district is likely to be provisionally accredited. So, Hinson would need to get out while the ISD seems to be doing well.
4 - Politics? Does he want to run for office in a more "Republican" area?
What would be the reasons that he wouldn't be getting a contract in ISD? Any ideas? What are your ideas about why he left?
1 - Was it just so that he could double-dip? Retire from Missouri, start collecting the retirement (AND the substantial annuity provided annually by the ISD) and draw another high salary over in Kansas?
2 - Could it have been he wasn't going to get his contract renewed in Independence? We know that this sounds surprising - especially considering the public gushing done by the school board members. But we have heard this from several sources on both sides of the state line.
To reinforce this, we have good information that Hinson interviewed for the open position in at least one Missouri school district down in the southern part of KC area. Why would he do that? There was NO way that this school district could have paid him what he was being paid in ISD.
3 - The wheels are about to come off the ISD under MSIP 5. We've been hearing a lot that the district is likely to be provisionally accredited. So, Hinson would need to get out while the ISD seems to be doing well.
4 - Politics? Does he want to run for office in a more "Republican" area?
What would be the reasons that he wouldn't be getting a contract in ISD? Any ideas? What are your ideas about why he left?
Saturday, April 13, 2013
What a difference between districts
The Shawnee Mission published the details about their new contract with Hinson within days of making the decision to hire him.
Independence? Not so much. I wonder how much Herl is making. What other perks has he been given?
Of course, it would be too much to ask the Examiner to make an information request. They aren't going to publish anything that Hinson doesn't tell them to? (What will they do when he is gone?)
Independence? Not so much. I wonder how much Herl is making. What other perks has he been given?
Of course, it would be too much to ask the Examiner to make an information request. They aren't going to publish anything that Hinson doesn't tell them to? (What will they do when he is gone?)
Real Estate
here is a lot of land in eastern Independence. Empty land. Waiting land. Developers and real estate agents are desperate. School administrators salivate over this empty land. Tax assessments! Student attendance! Ah - maybe a new high school east of 291 would be in our future if only, if only, if only, we could get people to move to eastern Independence.
We've heard that certain developers and real estate agents had an oversized influence on the district's recent decision to require all district administrators to live in the district.
Of course, most of those administrators won't buy in western Independence and there are few existing houses that they would buy to make up for their losses on their homes. So what will they do? They will build.
Oh, we've also heard that the district has arranged meetings with administrators who are interested in moving and developers who are willing to build.
This has nothing to do with the children. This has to do with $$$$$$$$$$$$.
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
Will it be Herl or hurl?
The School Board made it official. Dale Herl is ISD's next superintendent. What do you think? HERL or HURL.
KC Star Article
Examine Article (to be tagged on Thursday)
KC Star Article
Examine Article (to be tagged on Thursday)
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