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Because someone has to do it.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Worst Principal has the Best School

Now remember that it is SO important - VITAL - that all district administrators live in the district.  This is what is "best for kids."  (Cough, cough, wink, wink toward the real estate agents, builders and developers.)

Any administrator who doesn't live in the district really isn't doing their job 100% - they are bad, bad, bad.  Either move in or move out.

So it was a SHOCK to many watchers of the District that Truman High School was recently recognized as one of the best high schools in Missouri.  US News and World Report 2013 Rankings placed Truman as 16th in the state.  Only seven schools in the metro area were in the top 20.

Wow.  Someone probably needs to tell US News and World Report to adjust their rating scales.  They need to add a score for "Does the principal and assistant principals live in the district?"  If NO, then rate the school ZERO.  Seriously, US News and World Report must not understand education.

Link to Examiner article:  HERE


  1. Let's talk about how many good principals we will lose, they should not have to sell their homes, uproot their families

  2. Someone should probably start a discussion about the wildly unqualified principal(s) that will now be hired, starting with Blackburn Elementary. It's hard to imagine that they could come up with someone less competent than the one that is leaving, but by golly, they did. The newly appointed principal has fewer qualifications than my lawn service--but there you go.

  3. Wonder what Truman's rating in US News & World Report will be next year now that the BEST principal has resigned.

  4. The good news is that it is the teachers, supportive parents, and hard working students who ultimately make the difference in achievement. I say ultimately because the leader must set the tone and vision for the school - expectations, accountability, balance between push and pull, leading by example, etc. There is no doubt in my mind that we would still have the best principal in the state as the head of our school if it were not for the new residency policy - no doubt. Central office and the board have this on their hands. With all of that stated, there is something to be said for legacy. We don't just have an administrator like Kristel without being changed for the better - her legacy is part of us now as professionals. Let's be #15 next year!!!!

    Here is what she has meant to me:

    1. Lead by example - she reads student literature - no exaggeration - probably 4-500 books in the past 5-7 years.
    2. Collaboration has potential with solid teacher leadership and high TEACHER accountability (as opposed to administrator accountability)
    3. Any building leadership team is effective when the teachers lead and administrators serve
    4. We have a voice. We have choice in our professional development. And we are respected.
    5. Administrators should (and do at THS) have our backs. Thank you, Kristel and Dr. Netzer - for being willing to take hits from Central Office while having our backs. I do not know everything you guys have to put up with - but we can tell you protect us as much as you possibly can. The other principal in the district's name is purposefully withheld.

    Thank you, Kristel Barr, for being my principal. Parts of your leadership is a part of me now, and will continue to influence this building long after you are gone.

    School board and central office - you can "suck it" on this one.

  5. As for the Blackburn principal now, she couldn't run a thing. She really ran that school down, and I've heard what is coming in is worse. I would be worried. On another note maybe she wasn't that bad. I think possibly she was told exactly what to do and wasn't truly allowed to be the principal she might have been capable of.

    1. I disagree, the current principal had her hands tied. She is well thought of by parents, students and staff. It is the district's position not to let principals run their buildings, but she did all she could within the tight boundaries set for her and a great job of building respect and relationships. Shame on you for downgrading a great professional.

    2. I agree. I think that many perceived problems or weaknesses with principals are rooted in the tight reins held by CO. Principals do not run their buildings, do not make significant staff decisions, and do not make decisions related to student discipline. They are under tremendous pressure to keep suspension rates down, SpEd referrals down, etc.

  6. One of the principals who is leaving (try to figure that one out--there are so many to choose from!) said, "It's like working for the thought police."

    1. There is a very Gestapo-esque vibe about the culture created by the people at the very top. Teachers who ask questions in an effort to understand ideas and initiatives are given boilerplate, canned "talking points" kind of answers, and if they follow up at all, they are quickly marginalized and/or receive "visits" from central office personnel advising them to cease and desist. . .or else. Maybe the principals are subjected to these same conditions.

  7. Can you cite a single piece of evidence to support this claim that administrators must live in the district? Or are you speaking strictly from an ignorant viewpoint?

    1. Not ignorance at all. Back in January, the school board passed a new policy which requires all admins - including principals and asst principals - to live in the district by 2015 or face termination. The Examiner had an editorial on Jan 25 - I believe - asking the board to reconsider.

    2. Go to the ISD website and click on 'careers' then scroll to 'current job openings'. The administrator position open for THS says this: "The salary will be $120,000-135,000 depending on qualifications of the individual. RESIDENCY IN THE INDEPENDENCE DISTRICT IS REQUIRED." I am surprised that a THS teacher would not know this.

    3. Just go to the ISD website and look at the posting for THS administrator: "The salary will be $120,000-135,000 depending on qualifications of the individual. RESIDENCY IN THE INDEPENDENCE SCHOOL DISTRICT IS REQUIRED." I'm surprised that a THS teacher wouldn't know this.

    4. Seriously Russ? I find it hard to believe you work here and didn't know this was the policy...

      Who were you calling ignorant?
