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Thursday, May 16, 2013

Be careful what you ask for... (Updated)

Remember when the Examiner published an editorial "Rethink the Residency Requirement"?  People were shocked that the Examiner published anything critical of the school district.  But there has been no follow up.

Here's what the Examiner wrote:  "The potential turnover caused by this policy is far more worrisome than any theoretical gains."

Here's the turnover at the secondary (high school and middle school) level.  Now just because someone is "staying" doesn't mean that they aren't looking.  Depends on whether or not they live in the district and we don't know all that.
Barr - GONE to Ray-Pec
Boatright - STAYING
Bult - GONE to Grain Valley

Becker - STAYING
Clemons - STAYING
Woods - TRANSFERRED to Van Horn
Salinas - STAYING
Gramkow - GONE to Fort Osage

Van Horn
Netzer - RETIRED
Layden - PROMOTED to principal
Nowak - PROMOTED to principal (Nowlin)
Wendy Kline will be a new assistant principal.

Clemons - GONE to North Kansas City
Painter - STAYING
Tauveli - STAYING

Willich - GONE to Park Hill
Garmon - GONE to Raytown
Playter - PROMOTED to principal

Pioneer Ridge
Wieshaar - STAYING
Dorris - TRANSFERRED to Bridger
Jacobs - GONE to Lee's Summit
He will be replaced by Amanda Drinkwater.

Wolff - GONE to ?
Bungart - RETIRED
Henson - STAYING


  1. makes no sense to me. What is actually happening in their thinking?

  2. Looking at above list makes me angry! These are good people who were basically run out of town. Does upper management honestly believe that all test scores will be higher if we have people who live in our neighborhoods? Paying taxes within our district will also help our students learn in a more productive manner. Their mantra is "what is best for students" - maybe they should heed their own advice.

  3. Salinas hasn't been at WCHS for a couple of years - replaced by Madison-Gripp

  4. ISD--Inspiring Educators to Leave

  5. The residency policy was passed through a bobble head board by a district leadership team representing small town thinking. They all came from small districts in the middle of (fill in small district here) where it made sense to live in district (there was nowhere else to live). This is a misplaced policy, and now we are paying the price. Wakeup bobble heads!!!!

  6. Too bad Becker is not smart enough to be in the "gone" category. I think we're stuck with that one for a while. Hmmmm....does this policy work? Barr is gone and Becker is staying. Enough said.

  7. Now, now, now - let's not get personal with particular principals on this thing...actually...I can't keep typing this...Becker is bad. Go ahead - ask one of us who has been around from the change to him from Dial. Ask us how things are going around here - the climate - what it's like to work here now. You will get some interesting answers I bet - especially if you happen to ask me.

  8. This whole policy is wrong and sad. ISD is going to lose plenty of admin that are good, leaving ones that positively suck! I'd like to see the elementary principal stats as well.
    ISD-Inspiring Educators to Leave. So true. LOL!

  9. Yes post the elem. Principals. I also heard hi son was thinking this over a year ago, that's why any new principals who came in that were hired last school year moved into the district or already lived here. Its a shame replacing good quality people with possibly less qualified

  10. Not sure why the district did not "grandfather" administrators that were hired prior to the new policy.

  11. Dial left Chrisman a school suffering from poor morale and a staff with little or no faith in their administrators. After doing all the damage he could there, he was promoted to the Central Office. Becker commenced to drag the school's morale even lower. He doesn't lead his staff. He rules through harassment and intimidation, and yes, we are probably stuck with him. Meanwhile, Principal of the Year Kristel Barr has been forced out.

  12. I have a cousin that is asst super. in a neighboring district. He said it was like a firesale on administrators from isd this year. Many tried to leave but could not find a position.

  13. I concur with the above sentiment - firesale it was and will continue to be. Every principal who did not live in district at the HS level interviewed this spring (I believe). And I also agree with the comment before - stuck with Becker while Barr leaving is a travesty to our ISD education system. THAT RIGHT THERE should tell you which direction our district is heading.
